Founding Sponsors and Supporters
The Northfield Area Veterans Memorial has been made possible through the generous commitments of time, talent, materials, services and financial support of many individuals, organizations and businesses. The organizing Committee would like to thank the following Founding Sponsors and Supporters for their commitments to helping bring this project to life.
Project Sponsors
American Legion Post 84
Eugene H. Truax Post 4393 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
The City of Northfield
Extraordinary Contributors
Recognizing extraordinary contributions above and beyond the call of duty in support of this memorialThe Eugene & Sharon Jasnoch Family and the Employees of Jasnoch Construction, Inc.
The Presidents Club ($50,000 or more)
American Legion Post 84
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4393
Malt-O-Meal Company
The Liberty Club ($25,000–49,999)
Community Resource Bank
The Heroes Club ($10,000–24,999)
Gerald Anderson
College City Beverage
The Cowles Family
Northfield Hospital
The Don Pavek Family
St. Olaf College
Target Corporation
Wells Fargo Bank Northfield
The Patriots Club ($5,000–9,999)
Enebak Construction Company
First National Bank of Northfield
FMC FoodTech
Kenneth Grisim
Bernie Hughes
Severson Homes, Inc.
The Stars & Stripes Club ($2,500–4,999)
American Residential Mortgage
AmericInn Motel & Suites
Benjamin Bus, Inc.
The Bierman Family
Cannon Valley Cooperative
Cannon Valley Lions Club
Cardinal CG Company
Carleton College
Country Inn & Suites
Paul & Barbara Hanson
Terry & Julie Heilman
Multek Flexible Circuits, Inc.
Northfield Appraisal, Inc.
Northfield Lions Club
Northfield Rotary Club
Northfield Tractor & Equipment, Inc.
Over & Back
Premier Bank Minnesota
The Quarterback Club
Steven Schmidt Construction, Inc.
The Tavern of Northfield Restaurant
Taylor Truck Line, Inc.
Robert & Lila Winter
Witt Bros. Service, Inc.
The Memorial Club (Gifts up to $2,499)
1st United Bank of Faribault
American Legion Aux. Post 84
Anonymous Donors
Laurence & Barbara Axelson
Milton & Gloria Berg
Robert G. Berg
Binie J. Bertils and the Inez & Oakley Boyd Family
Better Air, Inc.
John Bierman
Bilken Industrial Fabricators, Inc.
Linda Blaisdell
Myrtle Bollenbacher Trust
Dean & Marlys Britton
Wil & Gert Brosz
Barbara Budd
Bernard Burke
By All Means Graphics
David Canedy
Wade Canedy
Jean Canfield
Cannon Water Conditioning
Ralph & Linda Carpenter
Clifford & Grace Clark
Laurence Christenson
Jeffrey Collison
Community Resource Bank & Employees
Larry & Dawn Conrad
Culligan Water Conditioning
Marvin & Jo David
Larry DeFries
Elmer D. Dietz
Dokmo Ford
John & Patricia Dudley
DuFour’s Cleaners, Inc.
Dundas Area Jaycees
Mark Ekeren
Enebak Construction Company
Teri Erickson
Firehouse Liquors
Floor to Ceiling of Faribault
Frandsen Bank & Trust
Harold & Eleanor Gargrave
Tom Garlie
John Hays
Hillside Cemetery & Funeral Home
Arthur G. Hoffman
Mark Hoover
Barth & Carol Humlie
The Jacobsen Family
Jon Jasnoch – E & J Management
Jenkins Jewelers
Carolyn H. Jennings
David & Patricia Jensen
Mildred M. Johnson
Walter Johnson
Robert Kadow
Mary Armstrong Kelso
Paul & Anne Klinefelter
Jo & Barbara Klinkhammer and the Inez & Oakley Boyd Family
Teri Knight – Razoo Foundation
Knights of Columbus
Anna Koester
Robert Kuyper
Robert Lampe
Daniel Larson
David & Mary Larson
Kevin Larson
Larson Implements, Inc.
Ardis L. & Nicholas M. Lewis
Darrell Lindberg
Don Lindberg
Jessie Lindberg
Locust Limited Partnership, LLP
Karen Lund-Brust
Logan Macrae
G. James Machacek
John & Jeannie Machacek
Francis & Audrey Malecha
Dorothy McCorkell
John & Ann McGuire & Family
Paul McGuire
McNamara Contracting, Inc.
Dave & Rhea Miller
Edwin F. Miller
Napa Auto Parts
O. Richard Nasby
Thomas Neuville
Richard & Sharon Nord
Northfield Auto Care, Inc.
Northfield Cannon Valley Lions Club
Northfield Retired Firemen – Old Codgers
Northfield Sertoma Club
Clarence & Betty Nystuen
Ray Ozmun
Ray & Mary Ozmun
Caroll M. or Oscar H. Palrud
Glen Peterson
Katharine Taylor Peterson
S.C. Peterson Jr.
William Pirrung
Dennis E. Podgorski
Leonard Polzin
Premier Bank of Northfield
Mrs. Sidney Rand, in honor of Mark Ekeren
Paul, Brad & Mark Reiland
Michael & Patricia Remes
Paul Ruppel
Tony Schmidtke
Shea Electrix, Inc.
Janet Smith
Sid & Betty Sorbo
Curtis A. Sorenson
Peter E. Stolley
John Street
Jesse & Sarah Stremcha
Mike & Shelley Strobel, in honor of Eiler Henrickson
Allan & Nancy Swenson & Family
Diane M. Suess
Sundowners Car Club
William C. Talen
Paul Tollefson
Michele Mary Truax
Michele Mary Truax, in honor of Truax Family Veterans
Cindy Turner
Larry & Midge Turner
Valley Autohaus
Sandy Vesledahl
Grant Wales
Washburn McReavy Cemetery Association
Wells Fargo Foundation
Jerry Wicklund
Raymond Wicklund
Arlene Williams
Robert & Lila Winter
Witt Brothers
Marvin & Caroline Witt
Penny Yahnke
Donors of Professional Services or In-kind Gifts
A & A Portable
Anderson Memorials, Inc.
Bohlen Surveying & Engineering, Inc.
By All Means Graphics
Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra
Cemstone Products Co.
Daniel Hummel Photography
Engage Print
Environmental Enhancements, LLC
Franek Electric, Inc.
Charles R. Gleason Company, Inc.
Guth Electric, Inc.
Hanson Excavating of Northfield, Inc.
Hedlund Irrigation & Landscaping
Hoffman’s Photography & Framing
H & H Tree Service
Jade Architects, LLC
Jasnoch Construction, Inc.
Jirik Sod Farms, Inc.
Judy’s Floral Design
Knecht’s Nurseries & Landscaping, in honor of Loring D. Knecht
Lampe Swanson Morisette & Heisler, LLP
Len Skluzacek Construction
Liberty Graphics, in honor of James V. Rankin
McGhie & Betts, Inc.
G. James Machacek
Met-Con Construction, Inc.
Mulligan’s Landscaping
Nerstrand Excavating, Inc.
Neuger Communications Group, Inc.
Northfield News
Owatonna Construction Company
Reese Winter & Associates, LTD
Simon Bros. Cement Company
SKL Construction
Taylor Truck Line, Inc.
Voigt & Associates, Inc.
Wagner Paving
Waste Management
Welch Plumbing, Inc.
Members of the Wall of Honor Research Committee
Carol Dean
Bev Gore
Millie Johnson
Arlene Kluver
Joanne Rone
Volunteers Who Have Ensured Accurate Records
Milt Berg
Tracy Bisek
Phyllis Clifford
Wendy Conner
Rhonda Rowe
Maxine Sleeth
Other Veterans Who Have Provided Volunteer Support and Leadership
Charles DeMann
Pete Grossman
Walter Johnson
Don Lindberg
Melvin Malecha
Robert Seitz
Ed Sovik
Gary Switzer
Charles Wells
Founding Members of the Northfield Area Veterans Memorial Committee
Larry Turner, President
Wilmer Brosz, Vice President & Treasurer
Al Greenlee, Secretary
Kenneth Grisim
Paul McGuire
William Morson
Orville Schmidt
In Memoriam
Robert Anderson
Robert Anderson Family
Northfield Cannon Valley Lions Club
Ray & Mary Ozmun
Larry & Midge Turner
Donald Axelson
Raymond Ozmun
Laurence J. Axelson
Ralph & Lyla Anderson
Carol V. Axelson
Jay & Cheryl Axelson
Sally Bader
Wilmer Brosz
Arlene Burns
Norma J. & Ramond Getting
Elna & Sherwin Hanson
Jay & Mary Jane Harmon
Marvin & Ingrid Hunt
Selwyn & Claire Jones
Erling & Joyce Kindem
Richard & Jacqueline Koechlun
Yvonne Lopham & Nancy Schulzetenberg
Harold N. Mohagen
Char Nelson
Harvey & Gene Nelson
Mary E. Patterson
Sandy Schultz
Glen & Marlys Shirley
Timothy & Marlo Smith
Susan Walton
John Berres
Susan H. Hollingar
A. William Bethke
Ave Bethke
Gladys Bethke & Family
Mary & Michael Bodem
Wil & Gert Brosz
Evonne & Christine Clay
Angela Sonia & Harry Denny
Frank Gates
Peggy Martin
James Stenstrom
Alan & Nancy Swenson
Larry & Midge Turner
Dorothy Vesledahl
Charles & Norliene Wells
Douglas Bethke
Bethke Family Members
Jim & Connie Collins
Doris Diel
Marilyn Eidem
Frank & Evie Gates
Fred & Marlys Hoops
Bev & Dick Husey
Donna Kasa
Judy Kasa
Steve Kasa
Tina Knutson
Sue & Jerry Odette
Gladys Bethke
Frank & Evie Gates
K.A. & M.J. Hays
Peter & Leaanna McGowan
Richard & Kathleen Ramsay
Dorothy L. Vesledahl
Charles & Norliene Wells
Lloyd Brunzell
Mildred Johnson
Loyal & Michael Burmeister
Alice J. Burmeister
Ralph R. Carpenter
Gerald & Mavis Aas
Nancy Bedore
Marguerite & Clyde Blinn
Julie Borene
Linda Carpenter
Richard Carpenter
Richard & Audrey Dronen
Gerald & Rachel Fischer
Marilyn Frey
Marvin Grundhoefer
Kathryn Highum
Kathleen Jasnoch
Dorothy (Zebe) Johnson
Jean Langseth
Margaret Lee
Jean McNeil
Ellen Olson
Jeanne Paulson
Donald Peterson
Mark & Mary Polzin
David Remes
Helen Thompson
Valley Pond Townhome Association
Lynn & Dari Vigessa
Bill Cupp
Mildred Johnson
Marguerite Czysz
Earl Benson
Michael J. Czysz
Evelyn M. Estenson
Violet Jones
Carol Dean
Tom & Bev Heyerholm & Family
Allan & Nancy Swenson & Family
Eldon “Shorty” Dorn
Eldon Dorn Family
Leroy Drentlaw
Mildred Johnson
John Dudley
Patricia Dudley
Ray & Mary Ozmun
Eldon Fossum
Northfield Class of 1951
Ray & Mary Ozmun
Ray Getting
Norma J. Getting
Clifford Greenfield
Mildred Johnson
Alvin Greenlee
Milt & Gloria Berg
Wil & Gert Brosz
Ray & Mary Ozmun
Larry & Midge Turner
Dr. Jack Haas
Haas Family Members
David Hall
Julie Hays
Lester Hamann
William P. Hamann
Roger Hand
Ray & Mary Ozmun
William Hangen
Hangen Family Members
Roy Henning
Wilmer Brosz
Eugene Jasnoch
Wilmer Brosz
Sharon Jasnoch & Family
Carolyn Smiens
Larry Turner
Mildred Johnson
Theodore & Carol Adams
M. L. & E. J. Crow
M. J. & J. Falcon
Marvin Grundhoefer
The Johnson Family
Dorothy Johnson
Patrica Lamb
Sharon Mays
Dale S. Ness
Kelly Regnior
Larry & Midge Turner
V. F. W. Womens Auxiliary
Bernard & Joann Welinski
Percy Johnson
Mildred Johnson
Kathryn A. Rathke
Donald Kimber
Mildred Johnson
Edward Kinkhammer
Ray & Mary Ozmun
Frank Knutson
Tina Knutson & Family
Catherine Kump
Michael Kump
Alphons Lewandowski
Wil & Gert Brosz
Larry & Midge Turner
Clint Lindberg
Edgar & Helen Larson
Darrell Lindberg
Mildred Johnson
Marilyn Machacek
Dorothy McCorkell
Melvin Malecha
Ray & Mary Ozumn
Larry & Midge Turner
John I. McGuire
John & Ann McGuire & Family
Paul McGuire
Wil & Gert Brosz
Daniel & Karianne Cupersmith
The McGuire Family
Raymond Ozmun
Larry & Midge Turner
Paul Goding Miller
Paul Miller
Virginia Miller
Bill Morson
Wilmer C. Brosz
Lawrence J. Turner
Phillip Nelson
Anne & Ted
Ed, Cheryl, Whitney & Shelby
Roxanne & Terry
Laura Kay & Mike Allen
Bonnie Austin & Dorothy Stefans
Betty Benjamin
Ward & Karen Blandin
Jeff & Jill Bohlen
Paul & Mary Ann Boyum
Shelly Brady
Wilmer Brosz
Donaley & Rochelle Bultman
Beverly Burnett
John & Eleanor Dahl
John Dahl
Susan Dahlstrom
Edgar & Dorothy Damen
Carol Dean
Defeat of Jesse James Days Committee
Barbara Dettle
Wayne & Deb Diercks
Jim & Jackie Dilley
Dana & Larry Donkers
Bob & Cathy Draves
Judy Draves
Cheryl Dueffert
Millie & Milt Dunwell
Matt Erie
Evie Estenson
Bob & Glenna Fast
Herb & Pat Fick
Eugene D. Finger
Gene & Chris Ellison Finger
Bill & Jean Fossum
Gerald & Carol Gengenbach
Sandi, Daniel & Alex Gerdes
Kay Gredvig
Helen R. Grote
Marv Grundhoefer
William & Marjorie Gruszewski
Alice Hall
Vangie Hall
Karen Hamilton
Jane Henning Gambucci
Kay G. Hochschild
Marianne Howe
Maxine & Jim Hubbard
Bernie Hughes
Donna Jackson
Irene Jirik
Bob & Rochelle Johnson
Jackie & George Johnson
Jim & Marleen Johnson
Millie Johnson
Charles & Margaret Knapper
Frank & Tina Knudsen
Jane A. Kraft
Eugene & Patricia Kreinbring
Pat Krier
Paul & Marlys Kump
Steve, Corky & Diane Kump
Dan & Carol Larson
Edgar & Helen Larson
Jessie G. Lindberg
John & Jeannie Machacek
Galen Malecha
Gordy & Dodie Mickelsen
Barb & Steve Miers
Paul & Ginger Miller
Bill Mosca
Arnold & Daphine Nelson
Shirley Nelson
Arnie & Edna Ness
Dan & Cheryl Nesseth
Northfield Tractor & Equipment
Gary Nystuen
Eugene & Mae Odette
Jeanyne Odette
Julie Odette
Frank & Janis Ozmun
Don & Bonnie Pavek
Donald & Yvonne Pavek
Gloria Perpich
Ted & Jean Perrier
Kay Peterson
Kevin & Marilyn Phelps
LaVaun Phelps
Marcy & Erik Pritchard
Tom & Janet Pritchard
Jim & Sharon Rezac
Dick & Marcia Roush
Dave & Dorothy Sabyan
Curt Samuels
Jim & Judi Schuenke
Dean & Katie Senne
Charles & Lorraine Sewich
Sibley School Staff
Frances Siewert
Loretta M. Siler
Anne Mae Sjogern
Bill & Felipa Skeels
Joanne Sommers
Dawn Splichal & Bob
Dot & Vic Swanson
Al & Nita Swedin
Swimming Group
Robert Charles Thomas
Chuck & Edie Thomas
Mary Ann Truax
Larry Turner
Barry Venn & Mary Harkins
Norah Van Campen
Starla & Jon Van Campen
Sandy Vesledahl
Virginia Weaver
Bernard & Joann Welinski
Norm & Carla Wells
Albert Wolf
Rueben Nelson
Violet Jones
Shirley Nelson
Arnie Ness
Northfield Rural Fire Protection District
Eugene Odette
Eugene Odette Family
Millie M. Johnson
Loretta M. Siler
Harold E. Oleson
Ila Oleson
Oscar H. Palrud
Carroll M. Palrud
Doris (Dory) Peterson
Carol S. Dean
Mildred M. Johnson
Donald G. Kimber
Shirley M. Nelson
Loretta M. Silver
Dorothy Vesledahl
Emil (Pete) Peterson
A. R. (Tina) Knudsen
LaVaun Phelps
Earl J. Crow
Judy Draves
Phelps Family
Dennis E. Podgorski
Eleanor Salisbury
Roberta Spangenberg
Milo Quinnell
Ray & Mary Ozmun
David Sandquist
Ray & Mary Ozmun
John Mark Schad
A. William Bethke
Thomas & Mary Brodersen
Elaine Deim
David Delong
Gerald & Rachel Fisher
Carl & Catherine Genteline
Judeen R. Gorr
Marvin Grundhoefer
Dorothy C. Johnson
Mildred M. Johnson
Gerald & Vernabell Jones
Mark & Leslie Kimber
Robert & Susan Kirchberg
Frank & Tina Knudsen
Calvin & Donna Kuhnau
Diane Kump
Donna Larson
Helen E. Larson
Duan & Larry Raadt
Loretta Siler
Felipa & William Skeels
Thomas & Jayne Spooner
Dorothy Vesledahl
Matt & Michelle Viken
Phyllis Schmidt
Ronald & Rita Brossard
Wil & Gert Brosz
Cheryl Divdahl
William & Jennifer Johnson
Mallory Keener
Gregory Langer
Richard & Kathleen McGovern
Orville Schmidt
Schmitz, Ophaug, Dawd & Blumhoefer, LLP
Willard Sievers
Edgar & Helen Larson
Inez & Tom Munckton
Dick Stowe
Bruce & Kim Stowe
Calvin Thielbar
Karen T. Ohmann
Gene Tripp
Mildred Johnson
Loretta M. Siler
Clayton Truax
Mary Ann Truax
Eugene H. Truax
Inez Walker
Evelyn Truax
Mildred Johnson
Violet Jones
Kathryn A. Rathke
Lawrence Truax
Mary Ann Truax
Richard Truax
Michele Mary Truax
Gary Raymond Turner
Kent Holden
Dick Simon
Nora Van Campen
Sons of the American Legion, Squadron #84
Elmer Vesledahl
Edgar & Helen Larson
Dorothy Vesledahl
Ferd Volkert
Ray & Mary Ozmun
Lt. Commander Andrew Wischmeier
Jon & Grace Buck
Oliver Younger
Mildred M. Johnson
Elizabeth G. Younger